My Mexican Adventure
Saturday, August 26, 2006
i went BUNGEE jumping today! :) whoohoo. Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 4:55 PM   0 comments
Monday, August 21, 2006
Warning: Mucho Mucho (many, many) Photos Ahead. :p

been too lazy to write... so basically, in reverse chronological order.... here are some photo's!
posted by debz @ 1:24 PM   0 comments
This is how most of the food is cooked. Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:20 PM   0 comments
plata de sulcinado for lunch. (basically beef, sausages, guacamole, salsa and tortillas) Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:19 PM   0 comments
shopping! a lot like chatuchak (jus smaller)... but din have as much unique stuff Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:18 PM   0 comments
we have to cross the river by foot to get to the rest of the stalls Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:17 PM   0 comments
Flea Market- Puenta de Papal (Pope's Bridge). The stalls stretch from the bridge itself to under it, along the river. Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:16 PM   0 comments
The church from the outside. Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:14 PM   0 comments
The inside of the church. The man in green is Alfonso, a prof from Tec. He does a translation of the service which is held in spanish. Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:13 PM   0 comments
Waiting with Vanessa for Alfonso to bring us to church.  Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:11 PM   0 comments
@ Jesse's (australian) party. No prizes for guessing which uni he's from! Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:10 PM   0 comments
w Emir(mexican) and Camille(french) Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:09 PM   0 comments
lousy drainage system :( . this is in front of our house after it rains Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:08 PM   0 comments
Cerro de Silla: Literally-Saddle Mountain. Legend has it that a miserly monterrey-ian dropped a coin on top of the mountain and started digging to get it back.Also, some pple call the mountain "the witch's nose" Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:07 PM   0 comments
see the mountains that surround us? Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:05 PM   0 comments
Centro Historica Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:04 PM   0 comments
HUGE pet store with cute signboard. They had miniature ponies and sheep but we weren't allowed to take photos Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:03 PM   0 comments
Colonial architecture Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:02 PM   0 comments
tiny donuts Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:01 PM   0 comments
Fortune.... DOG?! Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:01 PM   0 comments
At the city centre: Neptune Fountain Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 1:00 PM   0 comments
(BEHIND L-R:tin, joyce, me, fanny FRONT: Vanessa, Bennet, Bobby, Luis, Christian, Zuzana, Hontas) Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 12:58 PM   0 comments
The cooks! (the guy is a v lonely chinese prof- cos he cant speak spanish or english v well) Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 12:56 PM   0 comments
Had the hongkongers, Zuzana(czech), Bobby, and Christian (Mexican who can speak chinese) over for dinner Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 12:55 PM   0 comments
with bobby(american) and siaotin(roomate) Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 12:52 PM   0 comments
outside the student centre. (dunno what the colourful ram is supp to be) Posted by Picasa
posted by debz @ 12:50 PM   0 comments
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

About Me
[ name :: debz ]
[ age :: 20 ]
[ bday :: 04/ 12/ 1985 ]
[ :: blessed child of God ::]
[ :: smu kid ::]
[ :: happy daughter n sis ::]
[ :: pampered gf :: ]

I wanna travel the world someday..
*wistful grin*

This is just another step in my journey...

I'm currently in Mexico right now (Tec de Monterrey to be exact).. on exchange.
So feel free to share in my adventure... :)

