My Mexican Adventure
Friday, September 22, 2006
Bungee/Cola de Caballo
[clockwise from top-right:Ansen and I before our jump,view from the top, he's back!, in the bus with the aussies and bobby, scaling the cliff with bobby, ansen's thirsty, us at the waterfall, my jump!, "Enter at your own risk"]

One of the things I told myself I'd do at least once in my lifetime was go BUNGEE-jumping! Never expected to actually have the experience to do so during this trip... but when the school organised a trip to Cola de Caballo (highest peak in Mexico.. highest Bungee in LAtin America) I had no excuse not to go! So off we went...

The jump was AMAZING. exhilirating, scary, crazy.... ah, there's not enough words to describe it! I'm quite chicken though... didnt jump the first time the guy counted off 3...2...1.. Bungee! but who cares, I did it. and I've got the photos to prove it! :) (it's too bad I didn't realize we'd be jumping into trees rather than the waterfall... wore GREEN so the pics didnt come out too well...)

Next we went to the Horestail Falls... It's okay, but I guess after having been to Niagara... all other waterfalls pale in comparison. :p Only interesting thing we did there was climb through a fence which had a sign on it saying "Si Pasa Es Bajo Su Responsabilidad"... in other words, "Enter at Your Own Risk".... thereafter, we trekked a bit and scaled a rock wall...all in my trusty Birkies. :)

posted by debz @ 3:28 PM  
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

About Me
[ name :: debz ]
[ age :: 20 ]
[ bday :: 04/ 12/ 1985 ]
[ :: blessed child of God ::]
[ :: smu kid ::]
[ :: happy daughter n sis ::]
[ :: pampered gf :: ]

I wanna travel the world someday..
*wistful grin*

This is just another step in my journey...

I'm currently in Mexico right now (Tec de Monterrey to be exact).. on exchange.
So feel free to share in my adventure... :)

