My Mexican Adventure
Friday, September 22, 2006

Yup. it's named that way cos it's where they first found chihuahua dogs. We decided to go there cos it has a funky name... and my sis loves chihuahuas. Quite a lame reason I know..

So anyway, we expected it to be HOT and DRY. but when we arrived there after a 10 hour bus ride it was COLD and RAINING!. We had to ask the bus conductor at least 3 times in our super-cannot-make-it spanish whether we were really at the right place before we finally got off the bus.

We also expected there to be chihuahua dogs everywhere... or at the very least-chihuahua memorabilia. But nope. We had to hunt high and low for anything depicting the association between chihuahua and the dogs. There were very few souvenirs... and the ones they had had COWs on them. Apparently, Chihuahua is know for it's cattle and leather industry-not it's dogs. Go figure.

The only chihuahuas we saw were the fibre glass ones that littered the city.(seen above)Nonetheless, it was a fun trip cos the place was quaint and it was our first taste of "mexico". (Monterrey ain't exactly the norm)

Oh, and there were cowboy boots everywhere! They had every single type of cowboy boots u could imagine. All designs and colours. They even had bright purple and baby pink ones.

Other highlights of the trip:
- the yummy food at Casa de Los Milagros. The restaurant used to be a big house or mansion ... had a courtyard and everything.
- Historical sights like Pancho Villa's house and a museum showcasing the history of Chihuahua and the feminist movement the started there!

[clockwise from top-right: Funky cowboy boots, Shoe-shiner booths, grumpy lady selling flags(twas 2wks b4 independence day), flooded streets, mexican potato chips, "the crazy shark", "the crazy horse", me and my flag, indigenous beggars]

[clockwise from top-right: Multi-tiered wedding cake... it stands!, casa de los milagros outside, CdLM inside, in front of the bus station, Feminist Movement, ansen w his burger, car Pancho Villa got shot in, random monument]

posted by debz @ 3:28 PM  
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Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

About Me
[ name :: debz ]
[ age :: 20 ]
[ bday :: 04/ 12/ 1985 ]
[ :: blessed child of God ::]
[ :: smu kid ::]
[ :: happy daughter n sis ::]
[ :: pampered gf :: ]

I wanna travel the world someday..
*wistful grin*

This is just another step in my journey...

I'm currently in Mexico right now (Tec de Monterrey to be exact).. on exchange.
So feel free to share in my adventure... :)

