My Mexican Adventure
Friday, September 22, 2006
Dinner Parties
So we've had 3 "dinner parties" so far.... Once with the Hongkongers, Bobby (American), Christian(Mexican who speaks Chinese), Zuzana(Czech) and YuMiao(Prof from China). Another time with some Japanese teachers in Tec and Daniel(Mexican learning Jap)... and the last with Alfonso and his family. (the prof who brings us to church)

Generally when we have these parties... it's quite a torture cos we have such TINY pots and pans... it's almost impossible to cook for so many. But it's fun... we get to make full use of our comfy living room and play stupid drinking games like 7up (but in Spanish! to help us learn the numbers. haha.)

Bobby is quite an interesting fellow. Sometimes, he truly is the epitome of the "typical american"... his views on Mexicans and Europeans are so... classic. i think by now, i've heard the whole "mexicans are lazy and they are only semi-succesful because us americans help them"-speech about 20 times already! But then again, he speaks flawless spanish and french(just spent a year in france on exchange) and prefers to hang out with the french rather than the american jocks. he's a nice guy and we've been spending a lot of time with him 'cos of frisbee. :) (more in the "Frisbee" post)

Christian is another "interesting" guy. He's lived in America, Europe and even China... (that's why he speaks Chinese). He's worked all over the world and the only reason why he's back in MExico is Tec called him up and told him that if he didnt return... they wouldnt be able to hold on to his credits for him any longer. in other words, he had to come back to finish his degree. A TEc degree is basically everything you need to succeed in LAtin America... so despite having a pretty established career ... (with no "real" qualifications yet) he's back.

Alfonso and his family have been a god-send. :) The story of how we met is in the "church post". Here we see his wife Iris, nephew Luis and daughter Priscilla. He's got another daughter called Lydia. He and his wife are leaders in church... and his daughters are in a Heavy Metal band called "The Undertakers". Quite funny actually, shouldve seen his expression when she started talking about her music.... Supposedly "Slipknot" is too mild for her. She's doing a degree in Classical Guitar right now... and she totally owned ansen when she did a short demo for us on his guitar. haha, dont think he even realised it could make sounds like that!
posted by debz @ 3:26 PM  
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

About Me
[ name :: debz ]
[ age :: 20 ]
[ bday :: 04/ 12/ 1985 ]
[ :: blessed child of God ::]
[ :: smu kid ::]
[ :: happy daughter n sis ::]
[ :: pampered gf :: ]

I wanna travel the world someday..
*wistful grin*

This is just another step in my journey...

I'm currently in Mexico right now (Tec de Monterrey to be exact).. on exchange.
So feel free to share in my adventure... :)

