My Mexican Adventure
Friday, September 22, 2006

Monterrey's the most americanized and richest city in Mexico. This thus translates into it being.... modern, clean, english-speaking and.... EXPENSIVE. It has it's own charm I suppose... but most pple who come here are disappointed with it being so "un-Mexican". Besides the tacos and spanish-speaking pple, you could easily imagine it in any first-world country. Being nestled between a few mountains, the weather is usually at extremes... (extremely hot when we arrived... and now... getting much colder.) The thing that sucks the most is that.... there is no shopping! Even the mexicans drive down to US to shop cos it's cheaper there... (i'm suffering here! i've resorted to online retail therapy!)

Some interesting sites: (top left..clockwise)

Fuente de Papal: Fountain in the midst of Marcoplaza (city centre)

Colonial Architecture:prevalent in the city area

Puente de Papal: Pope's Bridge

Dios de Muerte (God of Death): Found at the witchcraft market... Even the catholics pray to it.. Evidence of syncretism of Catholiscism and Indegenious religions.

Street Musicians

Barrio Antiguo- Potted Plants

Barrios Antiguo-Street Market: Popular weekend hangout

Puente de Papal Flea Market

"Singapur Express": Restaurant in San Pedro supposedly selling Singaporean Food... nothing looks vaguely familiar tho...

posted by debz @ 3:27 PM  
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

About Me
[ name :: debz ]
[ age :: 20 ]
[ bday :: 04/ 12/ 1985 ]
[ :: blessed child of God ::]
[ :: smu kid ::]
[ :: happy daughter n sis ::]
[ :: pampered gf :: ]

I wanna travel the world someday..
*wistful grin*

This is just another step in my journey...

I'm currently in Mexico right now (Tec de Monterrey to be exact).. on exchange.
So feel free to share in my adventure... :)

