My Mexican Adventure
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Travel Plans
I can't believe it.....
35 more days till we leave Mexico!!!

:( I'm really gonna miss this place.
Margaritas. Spanish. Tacos. Siestas. Fiestas. Cute Mexican guys and all... haiz.

of the 35 days... 17 will be spent travelling!

Important Dates:
Oct 27 Spanish Midterm 3
Oct 31 Intro. to Mex. Culture Presentation / Intercultural Communication Midterm 3
Nov 1-Nov 5 Travel to Michoacan for Day of the Dead celebrations /Go to the Beach (Puerta Vallarta or Tampico) /Shop at Guadalajara!
Nov 7 Intro to Mex. Culture Midterm 3 /Intercultural Communication Final Project Presentation
Nov 16 Intro. to Mex. Culture Final Exam
Nov 17-Nov 21 Bahamas (maybe meet Jane)
Nov 22 Spanish Exam
Nov 23 Intercultural Communication Exam
Nov 24 International Negotiation Exam
Nov 24-Nov28 Belize/Guatemala/El Salvador
Nov 29 Fly home to Fresno, CA
Nov 29-Dec 14 Fresno/LA/San Francisco
Dec 14-Dec 31 Vancouver, Canada (skiing at Whistler Mountain)
Dec 31 Fly home to SG
Jan 2 Home Sweet Home!
posted by debz @ 12:38 PM  
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

About Me
[ name :: debz ]
[ age :: 20 ]
[ bday :: 04/ 12/ 1985 ]
[ :: blessed child of God ::]
[ :: smu kid ::]
[ :: happy daughter n sis ::]
[ :: pampered gf :: ]

I wanna travel the world someday..
*wistful grin*

This is just another step in my journey...

I'm currently in Mexico right now (Tec de Monterrey to be exact).. on exchange.
So feel free to share in my adventure... :)

